[opencms-dev] Admin password broken - how to fix?

Graham Leggett minfrin at sharp.fm
Mon Feb 28 20:02:53 CET 2005

Hi all,

I have just finished installing v6.0 beta1, and have successfully 
entered the administration section of the system.

I changed the password, and then changed the root URL of the site to be 
the root of the server. I expected to be asked to log in again, and I 
was - but now opencms refuses to accept the Admin user's new password.

Unfortunately the file logs/opencms.log does not contain anything useful 
- it seems that opencms either does no logging of authentication 
attempts at all, or the login simply isn't happening. When logging in, 
the "Please enter your username and password" box appears over and over 
again - no reason is given on the screen for any auth failure, so I 
cannot even be sure whether it is something simple like a wrong 
password. The usual suspects have been checked: caps lock is not on.

I checked in the cms_users table in the database, and have found the 
password string, but it is not immediately obvious as to the type of 
encoding used for the password.

How do you reset the Admin password?

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