[opencms-dev] Installing in ROOT fails but works when normal

Daniel Rhoden drhoden at iiwinc.com
Mon Feb 28 23:55:21 CET 2005

I am repeating this exact process now on a different, but exactly 
configured system. 

   1. Changed opencms.war to cms.war and uploaded it using the Tomcat
      manager web application.
   2. Clicked through the setup and confirmed that I could log into OpenCMS.
   3. In folder $CATALINA_HOME/ (pwd = /opt/tomcat5/) I executed:
      jar cvf ROOT.war -C webapps/cms/ .
   4. (note the period at the end of the command is a part of the command)
   5. Change the user and group of the ROOT.war file to the same that
      tomcat is executed under
      chown tomcat:tomcat ROOT.war
   6. Using the Manager web application, remove the existing '/' site
   7. confirm the ROOT folder has been removed from the webapps folder:
      ls -l webapps/
   8. Move your new ROOT.war file into webapps:
      mv ROOT.war webapps/
   9. Wait 10 seconds and then press the up arrow twice to repeat the
      command and confirm that you should now see a ROOT folder and a
      ROOT.war file
      ls -l webapps/
  10. Go back to the Manager web application and click on List
      Applications to see the new "/" location.
  11. Clicking on that should take you to the Directory Listing of ROOT
      application.  Add "opencms/system/login/" to that url to confirm
      everything is still working.
  12. You have now completed the installation of OpenCMS into the ROOT
      location of Tomcat.
  13. Follow the rest of the directions in the documentation.

Hope this is useful.

Please give me feedback!

--Daniel Rhoden

Cherif wrote:

>hi Daniel,
>So you solved it !
>Would you mind detailing the steps "finished OpenCMS
> 6b1 installation in the /webapps folder and creating a ROOT.war "?
>So  changing opencms.war to ROOT.war in the tomcat webapps does not give the
>same result?
>Nice time to you
>---- Original Message ----- 
>From: "Daniel Rhoden" <drhoden at iiwinc.com>
>To: "The OpenCms mailing list" <opencms-dev at opencms.org>
>Sent: Sunday, February 27, 2005 9:30 PM
>Subject: Re: [opencms-dev] Installing in ROOT fails but works when normal
>>Thanks All for your suggestions.  I ended up taking the finished OpenCMS
>>6b1 installation in the /webapps folder and creating a ROOT.war file
>>from it.  I then followed the rest of the documentation supplied in
>>modules to configure httpd.conf
>>Question:  The proxy appears to be running perfectly.  However,
>>attempting to log into the system/login/ fails.  If I change to the
>>proxy port (8081) I am able to log in just fine.  Why would log in fail
>>when using www.mysite.com/system/login/ but work just fine if I use
>>www.mysite.com:8081/opencms/opencms/system/login/ ?
>>--Daniel Rhoden
>>Robert Petermeier wrote:
>>>Cherif schrieb:
>>>> HowTo: Get rid of the /opencms/opencms-prefix without installing
>>>>OpenCms as
>>>> this is a post but from Sebastian Himberger, i am really sorry i don't
>>>>remember the date (10 Jan. 2005 somthing like that) or try to find it
>>>>author . It works for me, You will have to do some minor adjustement,
>>>>but it
>>>>works. If you finally opt for this solution and need help, just post.
>>>You can find it here:
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