[opencms-dev] The new administration view

Alexander Kandzior alex at opencms.org
Fri Mar 18 09:38:30 CET 2005

the "new Administration" is still pretty much in it's early stages. Not all
options in the GUI interface are implemented, and obviously most of the
Admin tools must be converted from "old" to "new". 
The module options for the new Admin screen will be added when the new
Module Tool is build. 
in order to add an icon, you need to create a folder / file in the "right"
place (see the provided workplace tool examples).
Since there's no good GUI to add these resources to your module right now,
you need to add all resources manually to the "<resources>" node of the
module in the gernerated "manifest.xml" that is part of the module ZIP.
Best Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software - The OpenCms Experts
http://www.alkacon.com <http://www.alkacon.com/> 



From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org
[mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org] On Behalf Of Dimitri Frederickx
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2005 8:57 PM
To: opencms-dev at opencms.org
Subject: [opencms-dev] The new administration view

Hi all,


I succeeded in making a new item in the admin view. But I have to create the
new item in /system/workflow/admin (making a folder in there with the
correct parameters).

But I want to create a new module and add the item in that module. In
OpenCms 5 this was done by making a directory 'Administration' in your
module, but how is it done in OpenCms 6 beta 1? Is it possible to add items
in the new admin view by use of a module?




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