[opencms-dev] removing /export/sites/default

Martin Kuba makub at ics.muni.cz
Tue Mar 29 13:19:51 CEST 2005


I am using OpenCMS 6beta1 with static export, and I want to remove
the prefix /export/sites/<site> which is prepended to all URLs.
How can it be done ? I found that in opencms-importexport.xml
I can remove the /export part by changing




but the /sites/<site> part is still there. It is useless
as the virtual webserver doesn need it.

Can anybody help ?

Supercomputing Center Brno             Martin Kuba
Institute of Computer Science    email: makub at ics.muni.cz
Masaryk University             http://www.ics.muni.cz/~makub/
Botanicka 68a, 60200 Brno, CZ     mobil: +420-603-533775
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