[opencms-dev] RE: OpenCMS 6 Beta 2 and Jetty 5.1

Rodrigo Baptista rbaptista at criticalsoftware.com
Thu Apr 21 20:30:28 CEST 2005

I managed to solve this error, I removed the <load-on-startup> parameter
from the web.xml file. This is only required when doing a clean
installation of OpenCms 6 beta 2. After doing the installation I can add
once again the <load-on-startup>1<load-on-startup>.
Best regards,
Rodrigo Baptista
Hello all,
I have Jetty 5.1 running on a completely stripped down Fedora Core 3 box

with JDK 1.4.2 on it. I downloaded OpenCMS 6 Beta 2, manually unzipped 
the WAR file, setup an application context, and fired up Jetty. It went 
*poof*. The exception I got follows.
javax.servlet.ServletException: OpenCms not properly configured!
        at org.opencms.main.OpenCmsServlet.init(OpenCmsServlet.java:197)
Jetty continues to run, but during Jetty's startup routine, the OpenCMS 
application context crashes. Since it bombed out before I could even get

to the setup stuff, I could never properly configure it so that it could

start up... Classic catch 22. As a workaround, I installed OpenCMS on 
Tomcat on my XP dev box and ran the setup there. Once that was complete,

I copied the now-properly-configured opencms webapp wholesale from 
Tomcat's webapp directory to the Jetty webapp directory on the Linux 
box. It seems to be running fine now.
Are there any other niggles with running OpenCMS on Jetty that I should 
know about?
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