[opencms-dev] v6: extend multi-site mapping (auth/authnot)

Jack Bakker jbakker at iable.ca
Thu Apr 28 04:50:28 CEST 2005

apache -> tomcat

I have several apache virtual hosts -> mod_jk -> tomcat virtual hosts (eg:

in tomcat for each virtual host there is a default context (xxx.domain.com),
and a context (xxx.domain.com/opencms) which points to the opencms app 

multiple virtual hosts in tomcat point to ONE opencms app

opencms/WEB-INF/config/opencms-system.xml has multi-site mappings for each
virtual host 

works well but...
some virtual hosts are intranet only and require auth (tomcat realm)
others are open without security-constraint

putting security-constraint in web.xml of opencms doesn't cater to second
line of above

Question is: any way to intercept on a opencms-system.xml entry for a site
(including all subfolder URLs) to a URL which 


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