[opencms-dev] Module for automating the publication andunpublication

OpenCms opencms at arcadian.com.br
Thu May 12 19:43:58 CEST 2005

Thanks Olli,

The system automatically send back 404 response if content is not live ;) 
But, it just happens when the page is accessed dynamically, not to static
pages :( 
Please, tell me if your module, or any other remove automatically the
expired pages on export folder? 
If the module doesn´t publish the pages automatically ( change the state
of the page from offline to online on OpenCms ) , how the module works to
"start a file" with the property start_date?
Sorry the misunderstanding. Before, I was thinking that your module could
change the state of the page from offline to online on OpenCms and

Thanks in advance,

Henrique Chevreux O. C. Dias
Oriens Tecnologia Ltda.
+55 (31) 2191-8777

"Quando você julga os outros, não os define. Define a si mesmo."  
    Wayne W. Dyer

I am probably the only one who can answer this, since not sure if anyone
else uses this functionality :)

If you have installed everything and included the XML tag in your templates
as described below the system will automatically send back 404 response if
content is not live.


1) Create an XML template like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<method name="checkExpiryDate"/>

2) Include it to your main template with:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<element name="dataExpiry"/>
<ELEMENTDEF name="dataExpiry">

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