[opencms-dev] How to backup/restore?

Anatol opencms at recordcaster.de
Sun Jun 5 23:40:52 CEST 2005

Hi all!

How can I backup and restore my opencms? My intention is, saving all the 
data like user, groups, modules, content, etc. independent from the 
opencms system. So if I 've done a wrong click and destroyed the whole 
opencms-system (or parts of it), I can kill the database and all the 
tables and setup an new born system. After that I copied the saved files 
into the new system and have the last version of my system again. Is 
that possible, and how?

I assume, I've to save WEB-INF folder and the mysql-files. I just tried 
to copy the 3 mysql files (MYD, MYI, frm) of a table, but this way seems 
not to work.

Any idea?


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