[opencms-dev] installing opencms 5.0.1

Borja Marcos Suarez borja.suarez at fundacionctic.org
Tue Jun 14 13:24:50 CEST 2005

Hi Philip,

I'm not an expert and maybe this is not the right answer but you can

1.- Stop tomcat 

2.- Go to [TOMCAT_DIR]/webapps/opencms/web-inf/conf

3.- Edit the opencms.properties file.

4.- Check the database connection configuration:

	.- db.pool.default.jdbcDriver=org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver (your
	.- db.pool.default.jdbcUrl.params=
	.- db.pool.default.user= your_user
	.- db.pool.default.password= your_password

5.- After saving the configuration start tomcat again.

.- Another things you can check is if you have the right driver (jar
file) under [Tomcat_dir]/common/lib.

I'd recommend you to check all the configuration files under
[TOMCAT_DIR]/webapps/opencms/web-inf/conf because if your database is
not in the same machine than the tomcat server you must change some

This point is the same if you are not using the usual port 8080. You
must change this value in these files.

I hope this helps you,

Best regards,


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