[opencms-dev] Best way?

Anatol opencms at recordcaster.de
Tue Jun 14 17:51:00 CEST 2005

Hi all!

I'm at a point where I have to choose one way (of min. two ways) for the 
next steps. I've to handle many datasets. Perhaps up to 10.000. The 
normal way is to create a database and some tables where to put in the 
data. There I can serach and manage all the content I need.

Whats now with opencms? There are structert XML content files. All 
sounds very good, but for what it should be used and for what not?!

Is it possible and wise to create for every dataset an new 
xml-content-file like a row in a table? Can I serach over all the files 
to get a special collection? for example I have a list of thousand of 
books, and want to collect all the files describing books written 
between 1830 and 1920, or I want to selcet all the books from one 
author? If it is possible, whats about the performance? Would opencms 
grow up to a killerapp?

This approach is a documentoriantated like using by "Lotus Notes". Is 
opencms ready for such a way? Or is it better to built a "bridge" 
between a normal database and the opencms structure?


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