[opencms-dev] Shutting down OpenCms, version 6.0 RC 1 Corrin in web application "null"

Mathias Conradt mathias.conradt at gmx.de
Tue Jun 14 23:20:32 CEST 2005


I deployed successfully on WinXP, while the tomcat log shows the 
following message at restart. Everything works fine here on the windows 

WinXP, Tomcat4, Sun JDK1.5
Deployment: entpackt in c:\tomcat4\webapps\opencms
URL: http://localhost:8080/opencms
Tomcat log:
Shutting down OpenCms, version 6.0 RC 1 Corrin in web application "opencms"
Shutdown completed, total uptime was 00:08:48.

But on Linux I tried the same installation.

Gentoo Linux, Tomcat4, Blackdown JDK1.4.2
Deployment: entpackt in /opt/tomcat4/webapps/opencms
URL: http://gentoo:8080/opencms
Tomcat log:
Shutting down OpenCms, version 6.0 RC 1 Corrin in web application "null"
Shutdown completed, total uptime was 03:04:44.

In the first case it recognizes the web application "opencms". Where 
does opencms gets the "opencms" name from? Does it get it from the 
context path?
Any idea, why on a similar installation on gentoo linux it recognizes 
the application as "null" (context path not recognized?)?

The behaviour/problem during my installation on Linux is as follows:
I can call up the setup wizard through http://gentoo:8080/opencms
and running the setup wizard; after pressing the continue button on page
the application hangs - no logfile entries, no timeout.

For some reason, also no setup.log is created in the opencms-logs-folder 
(like it's been done on my Windows installation).
All permissions are granted for tomcat.

Thanks for any hint.


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