[opencms-dev] [PATCH] New setup wizard for PostgreSQL OpenCms 6.0 RC2 Corrin (CVS)

gosho gosho at oles.biz
Wed Jun 22 01:08:35 CEST 2005

antonio at starsolutions.it wrote:

>Dear all,
>here are patches with new Setup Wizard to install and setup a PostgreSql
>database for OpenCms RC2 Corrin.
>Having a CVS checkout of the opencms source, go into the opencms
>directory and launch the following command:
>patch -p0 < ....path.../opencms_postgres_patch06.patch
>Let me know about other problems.
>Best Regards,
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Hello, Antonio,
at first thank you for your PostgreSQL patches. Yestarday i  ran patch 
opencms_postgres_patch05.patch against OpenCMS 6RC2 (cvs 5.9.2 branch) 
and it works perfectly, but what are differencies between patch05  and  
patch06 and what is the order that they should be applaied - (5 and 6) 
or just (6) ?

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