[opencms-dev] Problem after setup

opencms at puchbauer.com opencms at puchbauer.com
Tue Jun 28 21:29:30 CEST 2005


I tried to install opencms 6 RC2 on linux and then I was not able to log
in. I know there was allready a thread about this topic but I think this
case is a litte bit different. There is no Exception in the setup log and
the examples work. The only problem: I'm not able to log in to the
workplace. I tried to remove the opencms.war file - unzipped it to
webapps/opencms/ and repeated the setup - same result.
I also tried to restart the webapp and tomcat.

the environment:

- Linux Fedora Core 4
- Java JDK 5.0 (j2sdk_1.5.0_04)
- Tomcat 5.5 (standalone)
- MySQL 4.1 - included in fedora

I have spent many hours in getting opencms work and I hope you can help me
to finish it.

best regards,

Siegfried Puchbauer

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