[opencms-dev] Exporting Database

Anatol opencms at recordcaster.de
Tue Jul 5 10:10:19 CEST 2005

Hi all!

In the database management (opencms rc1) there are 3 options:
- Export
- Export module data
- import

What is the diference between "export" and "export module data"? In 
which case I should use the one or the other?

If I step into the "export", I can add resources to export. Enter a name 
of the exportfile (test or what ever) let the "export files only changed 
after" at what it is (12-31-1970 12:00:00) and hit the ok button.

Now I get an error message (javascript alertbox) "The date format you 
have specified is invalid. Please use the following format: mm-dd-yyyy 
hh:mm:ss (PM/AM)". But what's wrong?!?! It looks correct! Or 've I to 
add an PM or AM??

What's about the "exiting files" pulldown list? This is still empty. 
When and with what it was filled?


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