[opencms-dev] Solved https images but jsp no longer working

Arian Abrahantes Quintana Arian.Abrahantes.Quintana at cern.ch
Tue Jul 12 13:40:34 CEST 2005

The problem with figures an css was solved. I had to include the export property to "true" in the module I was using and later each of the resources or elements within declaring also the same properties. Now I am able to view my site nicely formatted through https.
So here comes another small problem:
Why does jsp code is no longer working under https protocol?

All jsp have export set to true. A small example is read something from a database and display it. Just like this:


        //Loading Drivers
            //making the connection
            String url = "jdbc:mysql://myserver.ch:3306/";
            Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"root","password");
           //Creating JDBC Statement
           Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
           // Getting Data from Table
           String query = "SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE myField='whatever'";

           ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
           while (rs.next()) {
             // get all data and print it
           if(rs != null) rs.close();
           if(stmt != null) stmt.close();
           if(con != null) con.close();
         catch (SQLException o)
  	 out.println("SQL Error<br>");
    catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
      out.println("Class loading error");

Under http everything works fine but through https I just get in the body oh the response 


1- Result set of the query in the database is empty when the communication is through https. Parameters are not "well-passed" to mysql (Missconfiguration)

2- Reply from database is not catched in https protocol. unlikely since otherwise it'll cry due to the exception on the communication with the database.

I also think might be something of both but I am a rookie on opencms.

Can any one help me on this issue?.

best regards and thx in advance;

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