[opencms-dev] Static export strange behavior

Pere Torrodellas ptorrodellas at fihoca.com
Wed Jul 20 17:54:58 CEST 2005

Hello Andras,

Congratulations for such a good insight: yes, this seems to be the cause of
our problem.

>From what I knew, nothing made me suspect that the "page not found" error
control could be related to the static export mechanism. What happened is
that, having received the standard OpenCms 404 error page to some direct URL
request, the user asked to set a customized page instead, so I changed
web.xml, not suspecting this somewhat surprising relationship.

Maybe it should be stressed in the documentation not to change this...
except if it is, and I have been dumb enough not to have detected it :-(

But then... is there a way to get a customized 404 error page if the user
enters e.g. http://myhost/opencms/non-existing.html ? Maybe modify

Thanks very much for your help,




    Can you say more about your setup? Is Tomcat standalone or
I suspect the 404 handler is not configured correctly, this is correct
in your web.xml:

Best regards,

Pere Torrodellas wrote:

>I hope that someone will be able to help me with this one, as I'm running
>out of ideas.
>-  An application with one module, some gallery pictures and some content
>folders is imported to a newly installed OpenCms 6.0.0 under Tomcat 5.0.
>content folders are imported to /sites/default/. opencms-importexport.xml
>left unchanged, so that gif, css, pdf,... files are supposed to be
>statically exported when needed.
>- Everything works fine offline.
>- After publication, links to files with those extensions point indeed to
>the /export directory, BUT the files are not there: OpenCms doesn't
>"extract" them when they are required, and we get the corresponding errors.
>- The only emergency way out has been to change the export property to
>"false" for the folders containig these files, so that the links do not
>point to /export anymore.
>- The strangest is that the same installation procedure has worked fine on
>two systems (Windows), where we see how the exportable files appear under
>/export when they are requested, but failed on two others (one Windows and
>one Unix, the Unix user running Tomcat having supposedly write permission
>/export (it's "root")).
>Can anyone guess what's going on there, suggest a possible installation
>mistake, or a problem determination procedure?

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