[opencms-dev] Error locking resource

Carol Mancho Lagunas carol at asic.udl.es
Thu Jul 21 13:36:48 CEST 2005

Hi all,

I have opencms 6.0.0 with multisite:


I have defined an user group (child of Users) who can edit and publish
resources of "mysite". Also I have created a project "Projectmysite" and
a module "org.opencms.mysite" with the templates for "mysite".

Well, I need that the users who belong to the defined group can modify
the templates of the module, but without belonging to the Administrators
To make this I have including a sibling
for /system/modules/org.opencms.mysite/ in /sites/mysite. 

This way the users can modify all the files except the jsp files. 

I have modified the permissions for Users group in the file opencms-
workspace.xml for the resourcetype jsp but continuous without working.
(The user see in the workspace that has this permissions for the
template: +r+w+v+c+d)
<explorertype name="jsp" key="fileicon.jsp" icon="jsp.gif">
  <newresource uri="newresource.jsp?newresourcetype=jsp" order="50"
autosetnavigation="false" autosettitle="false"/>
	   <accessentry principal="GROUP.Administrators" permissions="+r+v+w
           <accessentry principal="GROUP.Projectmanagers"
           <accessentry principal="GROUP.Users" permissions="+r+v+w+c"/>

The error that appears when a user tries to open a jsp file of the
module is:
Error locking resource "/org.opencms.mysite/templates/main.jsp" with
mode "CmsLock.C_MODE_COMMON".
Reason: Denied access to resource
"/org.opencms.mysite/templates/main.jsp", required permissions are "+w".

How can I solve the error?  There is some better way to do than a user
can modify a jsp template of a module without belonging to the group of
administrators and without see the others modules of the system?

Sorry if I have not explained myself clearly, but my english is very
bad! ;-))


Carol Manchó Lagunas         carol at asic.udl.es

Campus Virtual
Àrea de sistemes de Informació i Comunicacions
Universitat de Lleida

Pça. Víctor Siurana,1   25003 Lleida
Telèfon: +34 973 702140 / +34 973 702040

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