[opencms-dev] Acces to module

Anatol opencms at recordcaster.de
Tue Jul 26 10:16:24 CEST 2005

Hi Carlo,

Carol Mancho Lagunas schrieb:

>Well, the users of this sites are programmers and I need that they can
>modify the templates of the modules! But they single must be able to
>modify the templates of his module and not the other modules, then I
>suppose that they cannot be administrators!
>How can I make it? 
>Is possible to restrict the access to a module for an user group?
Whats about the ACL? Have you tried this? Give the group A read and 
write access to the module folder A and restrict access to module folder 
B, for group B the other way around. Don't forget to set the "overwrite 
inherit" option for the group "Users"!

Perhaps this helps ...


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