[opencms-dev] Database could not be created! Error connecting to database using: "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/"

Jurvis LaSalle lasalle at bard.edu
Thu Jul 28 05:02:14 CEST 2005

	I'm trying to install OpenCMS 6.0.0 on RHEL 4u1 with Tomcat5 and MySQL 
4.1.  I've installed the RH mysql-* packages and used the tomcat5 and 
java-sun packages from jpackage.org for a complete rpm installation 
(albeit with some rpmbuild action).  I can connect to 
http://localhost:8080/opencms/setup and begin the initialization until 
the db creation part.  I get the following error when selecting MySQL 
4.1 and entering root/pw for setup connection and opencms/pw for 
OpenCMS connection and jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/ for connection 

	Database could not be created!  Error connecting to database using: 

I've searched the list archive and tried the fixes suggested by others 
with a similar problem to no avail.  I have created an opencms user in 
mysql and verified that i can log in on the localhost as this user.  
I've also increased the max_allowed_packet to 16M in my.cnf.
	Does this error give anyone some clues to what I've missed?  Is there 
any other info I can provide?

Thanks for any help,
Jurvis LaSalle

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