[opencms-dev] Help Plz! Including jsp files using templates

Sebastian Lavena slavena at mkti.com.ar
Thu Aug 25 16:42:41 CEST 2005

Hi list! I explain all my problem below, but If you can help me with _any_ point of this mail, please reply...

I have troubles in a JSP that´s I want to include a html which is using a template.

I do "<cms:include page="MyHtml.html" /> 
I include the taglib of cms, but when I open this JSP (that´s have only 2 lines, one for import the taglib an another with the include), I retrieve an error message: "null"

If someone knows how to include another files which are using templates. (I want to that the tag include, imports an pure html, so this tag should process the file, the template, and the xml content...)

Really... the above is a try to solve my real problem... I suppose that´s somebody already have it, so I explain it:

The final idea of my work in opencms is to the "editors" edit the content of the page with opencms, and then I make an "static export" to migrate the changes to production.

Ok, my problem is that the page in production is dynamic. So I need to append to my export site, some jsp files to do the hard work.

My idea is to have a main jsp, thats only have 2 lines, one to include my jsp with the logic, and a html generated with the static export with opencms. And I like to this 3 files conexist inside opencms because in developing time I don´t want to waste much time, imagine that´s if I can´t run this code in opencms, for each change in the jsp code I need to do an static export to test it... So my final idea is to have an another file, that´s should make an include in the OpenCms way, that´s mean, processing the template, xml content, etc... and here is the problem explained above.

More graphicaly:

I have index.jsp, htmlUsingTemplate.html, logic.jsp, bridgeOpencmsToJsp.jsp

index.jsp do an include with jsp tag to logic.jsp first, and then to bridgeOpenCmsToJsp.jsp
bridgeOpenCmsToJsp.jsp have an include with CMS tag to htmlUsingTemplate.html (I want that the output will be html pure)
logic.jsp have irrelevant code, with the logic of the application

Thanks a lot,

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