[opencms-dev] how to make static export work on WebLogic

Jason Trump jason.trump at brulant.com
Tue Sep 6 00:22:22 CEST 2005

The problem with static export on WebLogic is the way static export uses
the servlet error-page declaration.

In WEB-INF/web.xml, change the 404 error-page to something like


And then create the JSP file under
opencms.war/system/handler/handle404.jsp to contain:

	<jsp:forward page="/opencms/handle404"/>

Voila -- static export suddenly works on WebLogic.

WebLogic's servlet container won't let you use a servlet as both an
error handler and a content handler -- it believes that you can create
an infinite loop that way.

Personally I think this is a little silly of WebLogic, as such strict
behavior is not required in the specification.  It also foils people who
try to do clever things like implement static export using error

Senior Consultant
216.896.8941 / direct 
jason.trump at brulant.com
3700 park east drive, suite 300
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