[opencms-dev] exporting question

Ivan Saracino ivan.saracino at newmedia.it
Fri Sep 9 13:34:23 CEST 2005


	Hi all,
	I configured opencms to statically export (afterPublish mode)
two different sites.

	The sites are correctly exported in opencms/export/siteA and
	I created two users, one to access siteA and the second to
access siteB.
	Each user is not aware of the presence of the second user and

	when each user publishes its site then BOTH sites are exported!

	I need a different behavior:
		UserA publishes: then ONLY siteA must be published and
		UserB publishes: then ONLY siteB must be published and

	Is this possible?  how?


  Ivan Saracino ivan.saracino at newmedia.it
  NewMedia Solutions srl - Via San Gregorio 6, 20124 Milano      
  Tel (+39) 02 202316.1 - Fax (+39) 02 202316.50	
  site:   http://www.newmediasolutions.it  
  portal: http://www.newmedia.it 

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