[opencms-dev] Registering a new loader from a module

Tristan Tarrant tristan.tarrant at dataforte.net
Tue Sep 13 14:58:43 CEST 2005

On Tue, 2005-09-13 at 08:53 +0200, Tristan Tarrant wrote:
> any contribution here is welcome. 
> Ok, I'm working on it. I'll probably have a patch ready today.

If I don't hit a snag beforehand, that is... :)
I have written all of the code which implements loader instantiation
from a module. However when I try to deploy a module via the
Administrator using the HTTP method I hit a ClassNotFoundException,
which is caused by the digester trying to instantiate my loader class
(but the same is true also for resource types) which hasn't been
exported to WEB-INF/lib yet. Would it be okay when deploying a module to
just build a list of Loaders and ResourceTypes as Strings which will be
instantiated *after* the Digester has finished parsing the manifest.xml
file and *after* the export points have been extracted ?


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