[opencms-dev] Apache jk/rewrite Admin App

Kelley, Kevin kkelley at onetooneinteractive.com
Wed Sep 28 18:07:38 CEST 2005

Greetings All,


This is regarding OpenCms 6.0.0, Apache2 and Tomcat 5.0.28


I integrated apache and tomcat with mod_jk and mod_rewrite.  My site
works perfectly.  The only problem is, I can't get into the file
explorer/admin app.  When I log in, it pops open the new window and
shows me the login screen again.  If I try again, I get the same
results.  Is this a problem with the OpenCms config files or the Apache
config files.  I've attached the relevant excerpts from my config files
I changed.





Excerpt from opencms-importexport.xml:








      <testresource uri="/system/shared/page.dtd"/>








Excerpt from http.conf:


<VirtualHost *:80>

ServerAdmin admin at domain.com

DocumentRoot C:/Tomcat5.0/webapps/opencms/

ServerName dev.domain.com

ErrorLog logs/dev-error_log

CustomLog logs/dev-access_log common


# If the requested URI is located in the resources folder, do not
forward the request

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/opencms/resources/.*$ no-jk

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/webalizer/.*$ no-jk


# If the requested URI is static content do not forward the request

SetEnvIfNoCase Request_URI ^/export/.*$ no-jk


RewriteEngine on


RewriteRule ^/system/login$ /opencms/opencms/system/login [R]


# If the requested URI is NOT located in the resources folder.

# Prepend an /${WEBAPP_NAME}/opencms to everything that does not already
starts with it

# and force the result to be handled by the next URI-handler ([PT])
(JkMount in this case)


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/opencms/resources/.*$

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/export/.*$

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/webalizer/.*$

RewriteRule !^/opencms/opencms/(.*)$ /opencms/opencms%{REQUEST_URI} [PT]


# These are the settings for static export. If the requested resource is
not already

# statically exported create a new request to the opencms404 handler.
This has to be

# a new request, because the current would net get through mod_jk
because of the "no-jk" var.



RewriteCond "%{DOCUMENT_ROOT}%{REQUEST_FILENAME}/index_export.html" !-f

RewriteRule .*
/opencms/opencms/handle404?exporturi=%{REQUEST_URI}&%{QUERY_STRING} [P] 


# If the request starts with /${WEBAPP_NAME}/resources, delete the
/${WEBAPP_NAME} prefix

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/opencms/resources/.*$

RewriteRule ^/opencms/(.*)$ /$1 


#DocumentRoot "${WEBAPP_HOME}/${WEBAPP_NAME}/" 


            JkMount /* worker1





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