[opencms-dev] templateone email form errors

Mike Rollberg, Jr. mike at purplemonkey.com
Wed Oct 19 22:33:14 CEST 2005

I am trying to modify the fields available in emailform type. I have
made a copy of the module templateone.form and I can now edit my version
called form_builder, which means my XSD file is correct. I cannot view
the file in a browser by clicking on it. I get the following errors:
When I click on the file I get:
Unable to compile class for JSP
An error occurred at line: 6 in the jsp file
Generated servlet error:
CmsFormHandler cannot be resolved or is not a type
Here is the contents of form.html in the pages folder:
<%@page buffer="none" session="false" %>
<%@page import="org.opencms.i18n.*" %>
<%@page import="com.purplemonkey.harvest.form.*" %>
<%@page import="java.util.*" %>
// initialize the form handler
CmsFormHandler cms = new CmsFormHandler(pageContext, request, response);
// get the localized messages to create the form
CmsMessages messages = cms.getMessages();
// get the template to display
String template = cms.property("template", "search",
// include the template head
cms.include(template, "head");
out.println("<div class=\"element\">");
boolean showForm = cms.showForm();
if (! showForm) {
 // form has been submitted with correct values, decide further actions
 if (cms.showCheck()) {
  // show optional check page
  request.setAttribute("formhandler", cms);
 } else {
  // try to send a notification email with the submitted form field
  if (cms.sendMail()) {
   // successfully sent mail, show confirmation end page
   request.setAttribute("formhandler", cms);
  } else {
   // failure sending mail, show error output %>
   <h2><%= messages.key("form.error.mail.headline") %></h2>
   <p><%= messages.key("form.error.mail.text") %></p>
   Error description: <%= (String)cms.getErrors().get("sendmail") %>
} else {
 // get the configured form elements
 CmsForm formConfiguration = cms.getFormConfiguration();
 List fields = formConfiguration.getFields();
 // show form text
 // show global error message if validation failed
 if (cms.hasValidationErrors()) {
 // create the form head 
 %> <form name="emailform" action="<%=
cms.link(cms.getRequestContext().getUri()) %>" method="post"
style="margin-top: 14px; margin-bottom: 0; padding: 0;">
 <input type="hidden" name="<%= CmsFormHandler.PARAM_FORMACTION %>"
value="<%= CmsFormHandler.ACTION_SUBMIT %>">
 <%= messages.key("form.html.start") %><%=
formConfiguration.getFormAttributes() %>>

// create the form foot 
 if (formConfiguration.hasMandatoryFields()) {
  %><%= messages.key("form.html.row.start") %>
   <%= messages.key("form.html.button.start") %><%=
messages.key("form.message.mandatory") %><%=
messages.key("form.html.button.end") %>
  <%= messages.key("form.html.row.end") %>
 // create the html output to display the form fields
 Iterator i = fields.iterator(); 
 while (i.hasNext()) {
  // loop through all form input fields 
  CmsField field = (CmsField)i.next();
  String fieldType = field.getType(); 
  String fieldLabel = field.getLabel(); 
  // get the error message and mandatory marker for the current field
  String errorMessage = (String)cms.getErrors().get(field.getName());
  String mandatory = "";
  if (errorMessage != null) {
   // create the error message for the field
   if (CmsFormHandler.ERROR_MANDATORY.equals(errorMessage)) {
    errorMessage = messages.key("form.error.mandatory");
   } else {
    errorMessage = messages.key("form.error.validation");
   errorMessage = messages.key("form.html.error.start") + errorMessage +
   fieldLabel = messages.key("form.html.label.error.start") + fieldLabel
+ messages.key("form.html.label.error.end");
  } else {
   errorMessage = "";
  if (field.isMandatory()) {
   mandatory = messages.key("form.html.mandatory");
  // generate the input field
  %><%@ include file="../jsptemplates/inputfields.txt" %><%
  %><%= messages.key("form.html.row.start") %>
   <td class="buttons" colspan="2"><input type="submit" value="<%=
messages.key("form.button.submit") %>"
class="formbutton">    <input type="reset"
value="<%= messages.key("form.button.reset") %>"
  <%= messages.key("form.html.row.end") %>
 <%= messages.key("form.html.end") %>
// include the template foot
cms.include(template, "foot");


Michael Rollberg, Jr. 
Senior Programmer 
Purple Monkey Studios, Inc. 
T: 708 386 3086 
F: 708 386 7589 
mike at purplemonkey.com 

Interactive media. We get creative; you get results. 

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