[opencms-dev] virtualhost example/tip sought

Christoph Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Thu Oct 27 16:57:53 CEST 2005

I have a www-server that resolves to www.company.de and an alias (CNAME)
that is www.company.com.

At present a javascript redirection in /index.html
acts like this

<script language="JavaScript">
function gotoPage()
    var dns1 = company.com"
    var dns2 = "company.de"
    var urlloc = location.href
    var loc = urlloc.toLowerCase()

    if (loc.indexOf(dns1) != -1)

    if (loc.indexOf(dns2) != -1)



<BODY onLoad="gotoPage()"> 

This doesn't seem very robot friendly in the sense that my site is traversed

I want to replace this by some Virtualhost mechanism in Apache.
But I can't figure out how.
I tried with a ReWriteRule ^/.* /opencms/opencms/*

but this ends up in /opencms/opencms not found or something.
My DocumentRoot is e:/APache/Apache2/htdocs


opencms is in

e:/Tomcat/tomcat4.1.24/webapps/opencms/export ...

I want to keep the DocumentRoot the same since the existing 
opencms (4.x) installation relies on it.

I'd greatly appreciate any advice.

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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