[opencms-dev] Bug for locallisation of Xerces in french, sch-props-correct.2

BenoƮt Dautun bdautun at itras.com
Fri Oct 28 15:50:52 CEST 2005

Hello list,

In CmsXmlValidationErrorHandler.java there's a hack to redirect an error 
for multiple schema includes in validation with Xerces 2 to be a warning.
This redirect is made if the error begin with "sch-props-correct.2:".
If you work with a server localized in french (may be another 
languages), a websphere for my customer, there is always an error when 
you record the content of an xml file based on multiple shema includeds 
(like xml contentdemo / nested content).
That's because the begin of error by xerces is "sch-props-correct.2 :", 
one blank between '2' and ':', so the error is not recognised and not 

I've changed the test in my version by "if 
I don't know if exist other errors wich begin whith 20, 200...

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