[opencms-dev] rolling my own templates [6.0]

Christoph P. Kukulies kuku at physik.rwth-aachen.de
Fri Nov 25 19:10:26 CET 2005

I gave up (for now) on trying to migrate a 5.0 site filewise or file by file
into a 6.0 environment. Most pages pop up with errors of wrong type
(XMLTEMPLATE vs. type page etc.) I did not find a way to apply the contents
tools on this.

Also I'm refrain from trying to do fancy things like creating a new project or
adding an own /sites/xxx entry. I 'm confining myself now
to the Offline project, that's it. Period :-)

I just want to create a website. A website that existed and works (so la la)
under 5.0 (search doesn't work).

So the basic question now is: Where do I start copying or modifying
the template_one to my needs?

Chris Christoph P. U. Kukulies kukulies (at) rwth-aachen.de

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