[opencms-dev] VfsFileWidget with files moving

Jason Trump jason.trump at brulant.com
Wed Dec 7 21:35:41 CET 2005

links are checked on publication, but are only checked when the document that contains the link is published.    in your example, the link in 1.html is just broken after you move the file.  the next time you touch 1.html, though, and attempt to publish it, OpenCms will notice that it contains broken links and will warn you.
in the language of software dependencies, "afferent" links are not checked when publishing a resource, but "efferent" links are checked.  I think Alexander said that better link management was on the roadmap for a future release.


From: opencms-dev-bounces at opencms.org on behalf of Tosi, Joel
Sent: Wed 12/7/2005 3:06 PM
To: The OpenCms mailing list
Subject: [opencms-dev] VfsFileWidget with files moving

Is there any way for opencms to keep track of files moving / no longer being valid?  Perhaps an example would better illustrate my question:


Say I have a word doc, a.doc, located at /this/path/a.doc


Now in a separate piece of structured content called 1.html, I created a Vfs link to a.doc.


If I move a.doc to /this/new/path/a.doc, won't the link on 1.html be broken since the VfsFileWidget stores the paths as absolute?  Or is there a workaround / different widget?  What about if I remove a.doc from the website, does the link on 1.html end up broken or is the link smart enough to become unclickable?


I would think that this issue would be addressed but I don't see it offhand in the documentation how this process would work.





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