[opencms-dev] XSD: validationrules

Georg Raffer georg.nc at gmail.com
Thu Jan 19 10:20:22 CET 2006

hi guys,

can anyone please explain how the validationrules in OpenCms XML content 
objects work?

For my example (see below): The field matchcode must not be empty. How 
exactly must "rule" look like?
Thanks in advance!

bye, Georg

Here is the important part of my xsd file:

  <xsd:complexType name="OpenCmsAktion">
      <xsd:element name="Title" type="OpenCmsString" />
      <xsd:element name="Matchcode" type="OpenCmsString" />
    <xsd:attribute name="language" type="OpenCmsLocale" use="optional" />

name="org.opencms.frontend.templateone.modules.workplace" />
        <mapping element="Title" mapto="property:Title" />       
        <rule element="Matchcode" regex="!.*[Ee]rror.*" 

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