[opencms-dev] nullpointer exception while using contentload on empty folder

Nigel Kersten nigel at cofa.unsw.edu.au
Thu Feb 23 22:36:51 CET 2006

I've just realised your solution was only to the "how to stop the  
null pointer exception", and not "how to produce a new button for an  
empty folder" :)

my fault for thread hijacking somewhat...

Anyway, I think you're doing this a long way round, I've been doing  
it like this in a page that collects all content in a folder location  
"categoryLocation" as it seems simpler to just go "give me a list of  
all resources matching this type in the folder. if it's not empty, do  
the content load.:

It doesn't seem necessary to go and construct a collector for the  
folder, easier to simply list the resources I think?

CmsJspActionElement cms = new CmsJspActionElement(pageContext,  
request, response);
String categoryLocation = "/wherever/you/are/trying/to/load/from";
int cofaSupportType = 33;
java.util.List supportItems = cmsObject.readResources 
(categoryLocation, CmsResourceFilter.requireType(cofaSupportType));

if ( supportItems.isEmpty()) {
     // still trying to work out how to produce something useful here.
} else {
         // do the standard cms contentload as this folder does  
contain the requested type of structured content.

Nigel Kersten [Senior Technical Officer]
College of Fine Arts, University of NSW, Australia.
CRICOS Provider Code: 00098G

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