[opencms-dev] Legacy content support with OpenCMS as ROOT webapp in 6.2

King, Dennis DKing at netopia.com
Fri Mar 10 21:14:14 CET 2006

Hi All,
I'm busy running through an evaluation of OpenCMS, and am liking what
I'm seeing. However, I have to continue to support /cgi-bin
functionality, and some legacy content outside of OpenCMS, at least for
a while. I followed the Apache/Tomcat integration instructions in the
6.0 documentation to remove /opencms/opencms from the URLs and it worked
fine, even with Tomcat 5.5 instead of 4.x (wasn't sure the
CoyoteConnector would be there). However, though I can access my
/cgi-bin directory without trouble because of this entry (I think):
ProxyPass   /cgi-bin/   !
I also have this entry:
ProxyPass    /support/    !
but I am not able to access my $APACHE_DOC_ROOT/support directory unless
I add a symlink to it from $TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT. I'd prefer not to
have to set up a bunch of symlinks to each directory I want to maintain
legacy content in. Is there a step I've missed or something I can do to
achieve this? It looks like someone else had a similar problem
previously; I think I've paid attention to the info at
OpenCMS so far seems to rock! I'm hoping to continue to be impressed.
Apache 2.0.52
Tomcat 5.5
Java 1.4.2
My httpd.conf settings:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    <Directory "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/">
        Order allow,deny
        Allow from all
    ServerName www.mysite.com
    ServerAdmin admin at mysite.com
    DocumentRoot "/usr/local/tomcat/webapps/ROOT/"
    ErrorLog logs/error.log
    # Log only non-redirect requests in "normal" log file
    SetEnvIf Request_URI "\/opencms\/*" redirect
    CustomLog logs/localhost-access.log common env=!redirect
    ProxyPass         /cgi-bin/                 !
    ProxyPass         /support/                 !
    ProxyPass         /opencms/                 !
    RedirectPermanent /opencms/                 http://www.mysite.com
    ProxyPass         /resources/               !
    ProxyPass         /export/                  !
    ProxyPass         /
    ProxyPassReverse  /
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