[opencms-dev] Problems with Tomcat

Vitor Varalonga varalonga at gmail.com
Wed Mar 15 17:44:54 CET 2006

> - is Tomcat really running the Java version you think it is?  If possible,
> don't rely on environment variables, or at least check they're pointing at
> the right place

How can I check the Java version that Tomcat is running?
As I mentioned before, JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_06

and the JVM on Tomcats points to:

C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\client\jvm.dll

(BTW I already tried to point the JVM to one of the other jvm.dll
files available
under the jdk1.5.0_06 folder, but the errors still persisted).
Is anything wrong with any of these? should the JAVA_HOME point to
another location (like JRE)? What about the JVM?

> - try downloading and installing Tomcat again, and check the validity of the
> Tomcat binary before running it

I tried to redownload and reinstall Tomcat but the errors persist.
(what do you mean by checking the validity of the binary?)

> - try to make sure that Tomcat is invoked with an option which allows its
> JVM to run class files in the 1.4.x format.

Could you be more specific, pleas?

Thanks for the info.

kind regards,
Vítor Varalonga
CIBERBIT - Produções de Software S.A.

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