[opencms-dev] Add (checkbox, radio buttons, drop down menu) Property

Carlos González González cgonzalez at viavansi.com
Thu Mar 23 10:31:38 CET 2006

I want to add a new checkbox (or radio buttons or drop down menu )
property to xmlpage. 
In opencms-vfs.xml:
<type class="org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeXmlPage"
name="xmlpage" id="6">
I add                                                    
                        <value type="shared"> <![CDATA[true]]></value>
How can I specify the type?
The FolderExtended microsite does what I want to do:
In opencms-modules.xml:
<type class="org.opencms.file.types.CmsResourceTypeFolderExtended"
name="microsite" id="19">
configuration" target="${resource.folder.path}" type="new"/>
ources/modules" target="${resource.folder.path}" type="new"/>
Must I make something similar? How do I do it?
Thanks and sorry for my english.
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