[opencms-dev] Exception during install of 6.2 beta

Xenofon Grigoriadis xgrigoriadis at yahoo.de
Wed Mar 29 17:33:52 CEST 2006

Michael Moossen schrieb:

> Hi, Xenofon!
> you have cached old setup pages.
> just clear the cache of your browser.
Hi Michael,

thank you, I tried that but it did not help. Also restarting my machine 
did not help.
You are right though, I had an opencms 6.0 version installed. Now, I 
deleted the opencms-folder and war-file from the "webapps" directory and 
copied the new war-file in the same folder. Can it be that this is not 
the proper way to re-install the systems. Are there other files affected?
What makes you think, the problem are cached pages?

Thank you in advance for helping,


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