[opencms-dev] Compiling the OpenCms core

cherif multxt at free.fr
Fri Apr 7 14:10:11 CEST 2006

Morning to every body

Just applaying  steps in "cvs Compiling the opencms core"  to build opencms
and having somme trouble
fedora core 4
java 1.5.6
tomcat 5.5.16
Ant 1.6.5

A/ in Step 4: Build the source by starting Ant
ant all
 this returns 'all' does not existe...which is true (in the build.xml)

B/trying ant only yield to many errors thrown like complainig about
org/apache/communs-digester is not found (in fact it existes in

any recommandation to  solve this.

like it is said in Step 2  i have all the directories so this is correct

many thanks in advance


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