[opencms-dev] Saving a file in web context relative path, but only have an CmsObject

Jorge González informatico at hotelparadisepark.com
Tue Apr 11 15:45:35 CEST 2006

Hi list:

I'm trying to save a file under web context relative path, but i'm doing it
inside a

public void cmsEvent(CmsEvent ev)


I need to know how to extract the relative web path (on the real filesystem)
so i can place there a folder structure with my thumbnails.

The final objective is publish the required thumbnais (using jai) for every
image published under certain vfs paths. I want to create the thumbs once.

Now I'm using the <jakarta image taglib> project, but i can't access
password protected resources correctly with it, so i've developed a listener
that checks the images published under certain paths and
generates via jai the thumbnails. I need now to save these thumbnails at
publish time.

Any idea ?


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