[opencms-dev] User Security

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Fri May 19 23:49:27 CEST 2006

Narasimhamurthy SS schrieb:
> Hello,
> I am using OpenCMS ver 6.1. I have created two separate projects in
> them with different resource. (sites/siteA and sites/siteB). Now,
> after creating users, is there any way, I can group the users based on
> my project ? In other words, how can I restrict users of Project A
> from accessing Project B resources and vice versa ?
> Any suggestions ?
Well, you
1. - create two user groups groups, one for each project.
2. - You change the permissions of the resources so that the belong to 
one group or the other
3. - You assign your users to one of these groups or more of them, 
depending on which projects they should be able to access


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