[opencms-dev] Help Me!!!

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Sun May 28 16:01:24 CEST 2006

Carlo Jean schrieb:
> Can i apply templates to pages named .jsp
> in the site root and then static export
> .jsp pages?
> Thanks :)
Dear Carlo,

a more welcoming and more precise subject as well as a more precise 
description of what you try to achieve would probably make people more 
willing to answer.
I'm not really sure what you want to accomplish. You can include other 
files from a JSP file and then make opencms export the resulting page.

But what do you mean by "apply templates to jsp pages"? Do you want to 
publish executable JSP *CODE* (which seems strange to me) or do you want 
to use JSP to generate pages? In the second case, you should take a look 
at the taglib documentation, especially <cms:include>


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