[opencms-dev] initial show-stopper: opencms+maxdb? (long post)

Kristian Rink kristian at zimmer428.net
Fri Aug 4 14:37:51 CEST 2006

Hi all;

just trying to get OpenCMS up and running using the SapDB/MaxDB database
backend (again), and leaving helpless at the very beginning. Here's how
things seem to go:

- Configuring the MaxDB datasource works well. However then, OpenCMS
warns me about the JDBC driver to be used for the connection:

Validating Jdbc Drivers
Be aware that Alkacon recommends to use the following JDBC drivers for
MaxDB/SapDB: []

But these drivers are not located in folder

Indeed, my MaxDB driver is located in $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib/ as it's
being used by several other applications as well. However, why the [],
why ain't there a "recommended" driver to be found in opencms/WEB-INF/lib/?

- I checked "create database and tables" while setting up the data
source. Right then, I'm told that "an existing database has been
detected". How comes? The db instance I'm about to use is created from
scratch for use with OpenCMS and to be considered absolutely empty at
this stage.

- However, to move on I decided to "drop" the existing database... which
results in that very error message (creating database and tables workes
fine it seems):

Database could not be dropped!
Error executing SQL statement: DROP DATABASE ${database}
com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException: [-5015] (at 15):
at com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.ConnectionSapDB.execute(ConnectionSapDB.java:511)
at com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.ConnectionSapDB.execute(ConnectionSapDB.java:375)
at com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.StatementSapDB.sendSQL(StatementSapDB.java:778)
at com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.StatementSapDB.execute(StatementSapDB.java:250)
at com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.StatementSapDB.execute(StatementSapDB.java:217)
at org.opencms.setup.CmsSetupDb.executeStatement(CmsSetupDb.java:525) at
org.opencms.setup.CmsSetupDb.executeSql(CmsSetupDb.java:431) at
org.opencms.setup.CmsSetupDb.executeSql(CmsSetupDb.java:495) at
org.opencms.setup.CmsSetupDb.dropDatabase(CmsSetupDb.java:168) at
at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:97) at

- Right then, as I can't continue, I started over again, configuring the
data source, this time leaving "create database..." unchecked. OpenCMS
warns about being unable to load modules in case the database is not
created - fine. I still try to import them all and see a bunch of errors
like that:

117:		at
116:	Caused by: com.sap.dbtech.jdbc.exceptions.DatabaseException:
[-8034] (at 2130): Order column must be number
115:		... 17 more
108:	Caused by: org.apache.commons.dbcp.SQLNestedException: Borrow
prepareStatement from pool failed
107:		at
91:		at
90:		at
89:	org.opencms.db.CmsDbSqlException: An SQL error occurred when
executing the following query: .
88:	!!! Exception An SQL error occurred when executing the following
query: .
87:	( 1 / 5 ) Publishing folder / ... !!! Error publishing folder "/".
86:	------ Publishing folders ...
85:	Admin at _setupProject>publishProject
84:	Admin at _setupProject>unlockCurrentProject
83:	Admin at _setupProject># Publish the project

Right now, the procedure itself hasn't yet finished and I'm waiting
whether it will end up with something useful. However, these errors sort
of make me worry about that.

Are there any known issues using OpenCMS atop MaxDB? Which driver is the
right one to be used? Any other things worth thinking about when trying
to get this setup up and running?

Thanks for any hints and bye, have a nice weekend everyone,

PS: System configuration:
- Ubuntu 6.06
- JDK 1.5.0_06
- Tomcat 5.5.17
- MaxDB 7.6.x
- JDBC: sapdbc-7_6_00_00_3360.jar

Kristian Rink *  http://zimmer428.net * jab: kawazu at jabber.ccc.de
icq: 48874445 *  fon: ++49 176 2447 2771
"Wenn einer allein träumt, ist es nur ein Traum. Wenn viele gemeinsam
träumen, ist das der Anfang einer neuen Wirklichkeit." (Hundertwasser)

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