Re: [opencms-dev] Re: Listar en el result del search la versión del documento

Florian Hopf hopf at
Fri Aug 4 18:41:05 CEST 2006

And you have to remove all the stars, seem to be inserted by my mail client.

Florian Hopf schrieb:
> Hi,
> just a quick one, something like this (untested):
>>> <%@ page buffer="none" import="org.opencms.main.*,
>>> *org.opencms.workplace.commons.CmsHistoryList*,*,
>>> org.opencms.file.*, org.opencms.util.*, org.opencms.jsp.*,
>>> java.util.*" %>
>>> <%    // Create a JSP action element
>>>     org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspActionElement cms = new
>>> CmsJspActionElement(pageContext, request, response);
>>>     // Get the search manager
>>>     CmsSearchManager searchManager = OpenCms.getSearchManager();
>>> %>
>>> *<%! private
>>>   CmsHistoryList.CmsVersionWrapper getVersion(CmsObject cmsh, String
>>> resourcePath)         
>>>      throws CmsException {
>>>        CmsHistoryList.CmsVersionWrapper wrapper = null;
>>>         if (cmsh != null && resourcePath != null) {
>>>             CmsResource h = cmsh.readResource(resourcePath);
>>>         }
>>>         // do something to get the version   
>>>        return wrapper;
>>>   }
>>> %>*

 * Florian Hopf
 * Synyx GmbH & Co. KG
 * phone  +49(0)721 9118303
 * eMail  hopf at
 * www
 * irc    irc://

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