[opencms-dev] Static and Dynamic Serving of Content

Michael Kraus michael.kraus at mindmatics.de
Thu Aug 10 16:46:07 CEST 2006

Dear all,

I have a problem with the static and dynamic serving of content (as described in Chapter 8 of the OpenCms 5 book, however, I'm using OpenCms 6.0.4).

Within a self-written template, I read the local path to a style sheet from an OpenCms property, which is set once for the whole site, and construct an absolute path using CmsJspActionElement.link(). On some pages of the site, I get "/opencms/mweb/589/resources/css/default.css" as result, on other pages (using the same template), I get "/export/sites/default/mweb/589/resources/css/default.css". The latter is not working, as that file is not being exported to the local file system.

How can I control the behaviour of that link being generated? Or how can I ensure that the file gets exported? I tried to play with the "export" property on that file, but without success.

Kind regards,

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