Re: [opencms-dev] CmsProperty class the correct choice to set a property?

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at
Thu Aug 31 16:06:12 CEST 2006

> Hi Christian,
> Am Donnerstag 31 August 2006 02:39 schrieb Christian Steinert:
> > CmsProperty represents properties as they are stored in the database.
> > If you want to set the locale for one request only, then you could
> > append the __locale=xx parameter to your URL.
> I know about the possibility to set the locale with __locale=xx, the problem 
> is that it is hard to memorize. The people who edit pages in my OpenCms setup 
> should create links to english content, for them it would be a lot easier if 
> they just have to append locale=xx to the link url. 
> You said that CmsProperty is not the right choice to set the locale, how can I 
> set the locale within my jsp-code? 

I would like to understand how your JSP would know which locale should be used for a given request.
Do you implement accept-language parsing or is the language somehow related to the url?

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