[opencms-dev] JSP2 issue escaping EL expressions in cms:contentload

Stefan Uldum Grinsted stefan at e-nation.dk
Wed Sep 20 14:25:43 CEST 2006

Hi all


Last year, 30 November 2005 17:36, Scott Shealy asked the list about an
issue with using the "${opencms.uri}" parameter for <cms:contentload /> in a
JSP2 environment. And I have the same issue. Did anyone ever find a
resolution for this?


The default way to escape the EL resolver is to use \${.} and that work
great in all other tag libs, even in my own. But when I pass
"\${opencms.uri} to the param attribute of cms:contentload, the generated
java-code contains a strange character (char 27) in front of {opencms.uri}
rather than the $. The char 27 is the ASCII escape character, but how does
that end up there?


I know the directives of the jsp's are treated by opencms, before they are
written to the rfs (where it still looks as expected), but does opencms do
something during java-code generation of the jsp's? - Because that's where
it seems to go wrong.


If I have the following two lines next to each other in a jsp:


            <c:out value="\${opencms.uri}" />

            <cms:contentload collector="singleFile" param="\${opencms.uri}"


The java-generated code for the two lines looks like this:


    //  c:out

    org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.OutTag _jspx_th_c_out_0 =



    _jspx_th_c_out_0.setValue(new String("${opencms.uri}"));


/* snip */


    //  cms:contentload

    org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspTagContentLoad _jspx_th_cms_contentload_0 =








Here you see the strange non-readable ASCII escape char in front of the
opencms.uri for cms:contentload but not for c:out, which really puzzles me.


Does anyone have any resolutions or suggestions? any leads?  Anything? 


Thanx in advance.

/ Stefan

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