SV: [opencms-dev] JSP2 issue escaping EL expressions incms:contentload

Stefan Uldum Grinsted stefan at
Thu Sep 21 10:16:21 CEST 2006

Hi Alex


Why not make use of the built-in EL instead? By making all the accessible
macro-objects available in the pageContext, like an opencms object with the
name “opencms”, the current macroform can still be used. It will then use
the EL, resolve to the opencms object in the page context and call getUri()
from there.


Or is there a particular reason rtexprvalue is disabled for most opencms tag


/ Stefan



Fra: opencms-dev-bounces at
[mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at] På vegne af Alexander Kandzior
Sendt: 20. september 2006 17:38
Til: 'The OpenCms mailing list'
Emne: RE: [opencms-dev] JSP2 issue escaping EL expressions incms:contentload




I do not have an immediate solution to the issue now, but for future OpenCms
releases there will be an alternative form of OpenCms macros to avoid the
confilct with the JSP EL. 


Currently, the idea is to allow the follwoing alternate macro syntax:


as opposed to the current 


The old syntax will still work, so the new one will only be an alternative.

I am open to suggenstions regarding the alternate macro form. I want to make
sure that we do not conflict with other macro languages.

Kind Regards,

Alexander Kandzior
Alkacon Software GmbH  - The OpenCms Experts                 
 <> -




From: opencms-dev-bounces at
[mailto:opencms-dev-bounces at] On Behalf Of Stefan Uldum Grinsted
Sent: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 2:26 PM
To: 'The OpenCms mailing list'
Subject: [opencms-dev] JSP2 issue escaping EL expressions in cms:contentload

Hi all


Last year, 30 November 2005 17:36, Scott Shealy asked the list about an
issue with using the “${opencms.uri}” parameter for <cms:contentload /> in a
JSP2 environment. And I have the same issue. Did anyone ever find a
resolution for this?


The default way to escape the EL resolver is to use \${
} and that work
great in all other tag libs, even in my own. But when I pass
“\${opencms.uri} to the param attribute of cms:contentload, the generated
java-code contains a strange character (char 27) in front of {opencms.uri}
rather than the $. The char 27 is the ASCII escape character, but how does
that end up there?


I know the directives of the jsp’s are treated by opencms, before they are
written to the rfs (where it still looks as expected), but does opencms do
something during java-code generation of the jsp’s? - Because that’s where
it seems to go wrong.


If I have the following two lines next to each other in a jsp:


            <c:out value="\${opencms.uri}" />

            <cms:contentload collector="singleFile" param="\${opencms.uri}"


The java-generated code for the two lines looks like this:


    //  c:out

    org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.rt.core.OutTag _jspx_th_c_out_0 =



    _jspx_th_c_out_0.setValue(new String("${opencms.uri}"));


/* snip */


    //  cms:contentload

    org.opencms.jsp.CmsJspTagContentLoad _jspx_th_cms_contentload_0 =








Here you see the strange non-readable ASCII escape char in front of the
opencms.uri for cms:contentload but not for c:out, which really puzzles me.


Does anyone have any resolutions or suggestions? any leads?  Anything? 


Thanx in advance.

/ Stefan

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