[opencms-dev] image exports

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Sat Oct 14 23:06:11 CEST 2006

sorry for being a bit slow. I had over-looked your mail for a while.
> -------
> Can you say more about how the path config could be wrong? Would that be
> in /WEB-INF/config/opencms-importexport.xml?
In /WEB-INF/config/opencms-importexport.xml there is a property called
The default value is "export", meaning /webapps/{webapp-name}/export
That is the folder where your stuff will usually be written

On the other hand, on my system some workplace resources are also
exported to /webapps/{webapp-name}/resources (although I have not
changed the config in this respect and although I don't know where this
comes from.
Those folder's permissions would have to be checked.

> Regarding the setting of the export property. It is presently defaulting
> to "not set". When I set it and put a path, it changes the location that
> the html page expects to find an image, but the image is still not written
> to the harddrive.
Which export handler do you use? If you use OnDemandStaticExportHandler,
then you have to hook into your webserver's file-not-found processing
and only *then* - when it's been requested after not being there in the
real FS, will your exportable file be written out.

If you use AfterPublishStaticExportHandler, then your resources will be
written when they are published (and to get started, you have to trigger
the export of all already published resources from the workplace).
> The part about this idea that puzzles me is that if I don't have the
> export property set, I imagine that the image paths as written in the HTML
> would not have "export" in them (would try to pull the image dynamically
> out of the database instead off off the hard drive).
>  My thought was that
> the way the HTML writes image paths would match up with the setting. Is it
> expected that they would not match up in this way?
They are expected to match. If the path is re-written to point to the
export location then opencms is convinced that these files should be
exported. The problem then is "only" that export itself doesn't work.

My guess would be that your config uses the OnDemandStaticExport
handler, but that you have not configured the 404-handler, so that
opencms does not notice when somebody tries to request a
not-yet-exported resource

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