[opencms-dev] Wiki for OpenCms documentation

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Wed Nov 1 02:39:50 CET 2006

> Yup, spot on.  There are several big concepts (like the VFS itself!) which
> need to be explained up front, and yet which it's difficult to find out
> anything about except the hard way.
> A personal carp: I hope we can avoid the word 'template' wherever possible.
> Partly for historical reasons, it's an over-used, mis-used word in the
> OpenCms software, and the source of much confusion for newcomers, not least
> because VFS resource properties are re-used in multiple contexts.  We'll
> need to distinguish between 'template' as in the XML resource which provides
> the starting structure/content for new xmlpage resources and 'template' as
> in the JSP which acts as the view applied to a VFS resource.
> Jon 

I agree.
Also, the difference between template and template-elements is a tough one quite difficult to get, as template-elements are sort of a jsp-meta-template construct.
And many people built these recursive include loops at first by not understanding how templates and template elements are meant to work together. 

That's also due to confusing terminology and lacking explanation.

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