[opencms-dev] Where to put Beans?

Christoph Werner cwerner at logix-tt.com
Thu Nov 16 18:50:21 CET 2006

I'm quite new to openCMS and JSP. So I worked through a JSP-Tutorial and
got stuck at the point where the use of beans is introduced.

To work with opsnCMS I created a folder in the Offline project and put
all files created while working on the tutorial in there. The really
simple task was to write a set of pages, which take the name of a system
property from the user, process it with a bean and present the result.

So far I have a HTML page asking for a property name, a JSP page
receiving the posted data and utilizing the bean and the bean itself as
compiled CLASS.

These are the JSP tags in the JSP page:

<jsp:useBean id="prop" class="PropData" scope="session" />
<jsp:setProperty property="*" name="prop" />

This page issues an error message about using a ressource name, which
could not be resolved. Since the bean is PropData.class, I think the
problem is the location of the file.

I looked for answers to this question and found some messages in the
archive, but I didn't understand the answers.

One answer said: JARs go into the lib folder and CLASSES go into the
classes folder of my module under the appropriate tree. I don't have a
module, so what classes folder? I found one, but placing the class there
didn't solve the problem.

Biggest question in first place: Do I upload the class with the
Webinterface or do I have to use a FTP client?

Next question would be: Am I wrong in assuming, that the use of beans is
quite essential for developing openCMS pages/modules/etc. ?

I hope someone can help me.


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