[opencms-dev] Integration into (huge) legacy web-app

Christian Steinert christian_steinert at web.de
Tue Dec 19 09:14:30 CET 2006

Anders Bengtsson schrieb:
> Hi,
> We're going to replace our old in-house CMS with something more
> maintainable. OpenCMS looks like a good candidate feature-wise, but I'm
> not sure about how we would deploy it.
> Our existing CMS serves lots of fragments of pages from JSP templates,
> similar to OpenCMS's JSP tags.
> How can I deploy OpenCMS to replace our existing CMS? I can't just drop
> in a new War file, I need it to run as part of our existing, very large,
> application. The documentation doesn't seem to go into what's needed to
> integrate OpenCMS into something existing.
> Is there a simple way to add a few Jars and some config files into my
> app, and start serving content using OpenCMS' JSP tags?
> /Anders
I thought a bit further, maybe servlet filters would be interesting to
integrate the request handling of opencms into a bigger application. For
samples, see:

(I don't think, that you will be able to make the JSP taglib of opencms
work directly in another JSP processor; so you can only somehow fetch
data from opencms and/or use output from opencms and glue it together in
your main application)

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