[opencms-dev] Can I assign a public URL to a microsite?

Iván Velamazán González ivan.velamazan at gtbi.net
Thu Feb 14 11:27:04 CET 2008

Answering myself to this question: A "quick & dirty" way of doing it is 
creating a plain text file (this is very important) called "index.html" 
in the root of the site which redirects to the Microsite. The code is as 
simple as «<meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0; url=/cms/GTBiWeb">».

Not very elegant, but it does the trick.

Iván Velamazán González escribió:
> That's just the question: Can I assign a public URL to a microsite?
Iván Velamazán González - Sist. información
********* GeoToolBox Ibérica S.L. *********
c/Felix Boix 14, oficina 4, 28036 - MADRID
Tlf: +34 913 455 598 / Fax: +34 913 452 713
ivan.velamazan at gtbi.net http://www.gtbi.net

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